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Parenting version 2.0

What parent doesn’t have a goal to raise their children better or certainly differently than their own parents had raised them? Better in the ways we each think matter.
LETTER: Smooth ride in the city

LETTER: Smooth ride in the city

I would like to commend the St. Albert public works department for a job well done filling the cracks in our roadways. The tar and gravel chip method produces a smooth ride on most of our roads. John Sugden, St. Albert
Province produces grey hydrogen

Province produces grey hydrogen

The recent article in the St. Albert Gazette about MLA Dale Nally's hydrogen mandate deserves a comment.
COLUMN: Maritime disasters highlight extreme wealth disparity

COLUMN: Maritime disasters highlight extreme wealth disparity

Two months ago, many around the world were fixated on news of a deep-sea submersible craft missing on a dive to view the sunken ship, RMS Titanic. News coverage was extensive and long-lasting.
Freeze, store garden produce for lasting goodness

Freeze, store garden produce for lasting goodness

There are five ways to enjoy the fruits of your gardening labours. These include eating fresh vegetables and fruits, cooking up meals and freezing them, donating the excess to your local foodbank, storing, and freezing.
OPINION: Canada—respectful and boring

OPINION: Canada—respectful and boring

A tale told by my grandfather. My great grandfather, one Michael Murdock, owned a farm about midway between Kingston and Ottawa. Prime Minister Sir John A.
OPINION: Increasing local need propels annual food drive

OPINION: Increasing local need propels annual food drive

Last year the number of Canadian families requesting food assistance had reached an all-time high, with Alberta, unfortunately, having the highest food bank use in the country, according to Food Banks Canada's Hunger Count Report for 2022 .
LETTER: Thanks for the doggie drinks

LETTER: Thanks for the doggie drinks

It’s been a very warm summer, and I’d like to thank the considerate people who have set out bowls of drinking water on their property next to the city sidewalk for passing dogs to drink.

Reckless spending will cost us dearly

It’s difficult to tell what’s being conserved in Alberta these days. Certainly one thing isn’t – our money.
Stop wasting taxpayer money

Stop wasting taxpayer money

I wonder if council understands their purpose and mandate when I see them effectively doubling the size of council by arbitrarily making themselves full time staff.
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