For the 12 days leading up to Christmas we published the 12 Days of Christmas Kindness where we celebrate a local person who does good for others and do some good to them!
They were so well received that we wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to see all of them - so we're publishing them again one each day for the official 12 Days of Christmas - enjoy!
Our last gift in the series went to Renato Chiumento, who was nominated by his friend Monique McDonald. Here’s what Monique had to say when we asked her why she nominated Renato:
"Renato is the kindest person I know. He has worked tirelessly as a school teacher all his life to support his wife who has MS and his two children who both had learning difficulties. Even now in retirement, he has to substitute teach almost full time to continue to do so.
Check out all the videos in the 12 Days series here:
DAY 1: "The heart of the neighbourhood"
DAY 2: "The angel of Facebook"
DAY 3: "Every street needs a light on it"
DAY 4: From Ukraine to St. Albert, with love
DAY 5: A heart of gold, a zest for life
DAY 6: Pet helper gets a treat
DAY 7: It takes a village to keep up with Helen
DAY 8: Neo-natal nurse gets noticed
DAY 9: A true St. Albert hero
DAY 10: Always looking after others
DAY 11: Greg gets a lift
DAY 12: "The Kindest Person I Know"
"He also is constantly helping his mother who has had a stroke, and his mother-in-law with all their needs such as driving them to do any errands, help with their computer issues, assist with any doctor appointment, and the like. He has been a wonderful lifelong friend who is always here to listen and cheer you up.
"Renato has also had a stroke and has other health issues, but is always sacrificing his well-being in support of others. He hasn't been able to catch a break with constant bad luck adding to his stress such as car accidents involving his loved ones, roof repairs, car repairs, furnace repairs and multiple floods. He hasn't had a nice vacation since his last school trip in which he had to supervise his students.
"He is such a good person who more than deserves something good to happen to him."
We talked to our friends at Co-Op and they’ve provided $1000 in gift cards for Renato to be able to do some Christmas shopping!
Click on the video to meet Monique and Renato as we give him the good news and the gift!