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Alleged drug debt sparks group beating

Alleged drug debt sparks group beating

Seven young men are facing charges stemming from a beating over drugs last week. The seven young men can’t be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, but each faces a single count of assault causing bodily harm.
Red Willow trailblazers honoured

Red Willow trailblazers honoured

A select few trailblazers had their names set in stone this week as city staff unveiled a new monument to their work on the Red Willow Trail. About 70 people gathered by the obelisk near Sturgeon Road and St.
Canada Post lockout ends

Canada Post lockout ends

A lockout and rotating strikes that brought mail service to a halt ended Monday, bringing carriers back to the street.
RCMP conduct search in McCann case

RCMP conduct search in McCann case

Nearly a year after they first went missing, RCMP officers and volunteers conducted another search this week on a rural property looking for clues in the disappearance of Lyle and Marie McCann.
Back-to-work legislation stalled in Parliament

Back-to-work legislation stalled in Parliament

Legislation that would put postal workers back on the job remains stalled in the House of Commons as opposition members of Parliament attempt to filibuster the government’s move.
Chamber seeks new home

Chamber seeks new home

The St. Albert Chamber of Commerce wants to find a new home but it won’t be at the corner of St. Albert Trail and Sturgeon Road.
Committee to mull council pay

Committee to mull council pay

A new committee will recommend how much city councillors should be paid. The city has formed a committee of five citizens to take on the project, which is expected to deliver a recommendation by Christmas, said city manager Bill Holtby.
Keenooshayo butterflies freed

Keenooshayo butterflies freed

Carefully and quietly, but at the same time scarcely able to contain their excitement, Grade 3 students gathered on the front steps of Keenooshayo School Wednesday and released their butterflies.
New museum in the works

New museum in the works

At a special event hosted for personnel from Edmonton Garrison Tuesday evening, Ron Hodgson announced he and his brother Reg are planning to open a museum to honour our national military history as well as Canadian motorsports.
Distracted driving law coming in fall

Distracted driving law coming in fall

The province will spend the summer reminding Alberta drivers that come Sept. 1 they will have to hang up their cellphones and pay attention to the road ahead.
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