Here are some tips to help you spend less time inside over the stove and more time enjoying the beauty of nature.
Plan simple meals
Camping food should be simple, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious. There are countless camping recipes online that require minimal prep and can be cooked outside. Check out Fresh Off the Grid for some delicious and easy recipes that are perfect for any camping trip.
Set up a food prep area
Spending just a few minutes setting up an outdoor food prep area will make meals much more enjoyable. All you need is a table – a picnic table will do nicely. Set up a cooler with the food items you will need and gather any tools like knives, a cutting board, bowls and utensils. Hang a garbage bag on the edge of the table and have a bowl or tub handy for dirty utensils.
If you’d rather a designated food prep area, check out these ideas on RV Life. You can purchase specialty folding prep stations designed for camping and even an outdoor oven that is fuelled with a one-pound propane bottle.
Share the workload
Make sure you set up the prep area near the action. Everyone should be close by to lend a hand. Meal prep while camping can be fun when everyone gets involved. It is also a great time for kids to learn a few easy recipes that they can make themselves.
Cook outside
Food cooked over an open fire is always more delicious. You don’t have to eat roasted hot dogs every day! With a few simple tools, you can make some tasty meals cooked over the fire.
Make sure your fire is ready for cooking – it should have hot embers and not too many flames. Most fire pits in campgrounds have grills that you can use but avoid putting food directly on these. Use heavy-duty tinfoil or a cast iron pan on the built-in fire pit grill.
There are so many different campfire cooking accessories available. From waffle irons to pizza pans, there are a wide variety of helpful tools to make cooking outside even more enjoyable.
Whether you and your family love roasting hotdogs or are more inclined to create more involved culinary creations, moving food prep and cooking outside will greatly enhance your RV experience.
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