Nanaksar Gurdwara - Gursikh Temple
and Japinder Singh Grewal
Administrative Penalty No. AP-EPEA-37041
EAB 22-039 and EAB 22-040
Administrative Penalty
The Environmental Appeals Board will hold a hearing via written submissions only with respect to the July 28, 2022 decision of the Director, Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, to issue Notice of Administrative Penalty No. AP-EPEA-37041 to Japinder Singh Grewal and Nanaksar Gurdwara-Gursikh Temple, in the amount of $3,500.00. The Administrative Penalty states the Appellants contravened section 3(1)(a) of the Pesticide (Ministerial) Regulation by using or applying a pesticide listed in schedule 2 without holding the appropriate class of applicator certificate. The activity occurred at SW 32-54-24-W4M in Sturgeon County, Alberta.
Viewing Documents
Please contact the Board for information regarding the file in this matter.
Information Requests
Environmental Appeals Board
Registrar of Appeals
306, 10011 – 109 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 3S8
Telephone: 780-427-6207
Toll-free 310-0000, followed by 780-427-6207
Fax: 780-427-4693
E-Mail: [email protected]
About the Board
The Environmental Appeals Board is an independent quasi-judicial body that hears appeals of certain decisions made by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas.
Any person, other than the parties, who wishes to make a representation before the Board on these appeals must submit a request in writing by fax or by e-mail to the Board at the fax number or e-mail address set out below. The request must be received by the Board on or before August 3, 2023. It is your responsibility to ensure that your request is received by the Board by August 3, 2023. Such a request shall (a) contain the name, address, e-mail, and telephone and fax numbers of the person submitting the request, (b) indicate whether the person submitting the request intends to be represented by a lawyer or agent and, if so, the name of the lawyer or agent, (c) contain a summary of the nature of the person’s interest in this appeal, and (d) be signed by the person submitting the request. Applications will only be considered if the information will assist the Board in making its decision, and will not duplicate the information provided by the parties. After August 3, 2023, the Board will, in its discretion, determine if other persons may make representations, and the manner in which they can be made.
The information requested is necessary to allow the Environmental Appeals Board to perform its function. The information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c). Section 33(c) provides that personal information may only be collected if that information relates directly to and is necessary for the processing of this appeal. The information you provide will be considered a public record.
Environmental Appeals Board