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COLUMN: How the provincial referendum affects municipal candidates

COLUMN: How the provincial referendum affects municipal candidates

"With a UCP referendum push and its anti-Ottawa rhetoric, the profile of the voter may very well be heavily weighted to conservative voters in October and therefore the municipal candidates who are seen to be right-leaning may be favoured over others by the otherwise undecided voter."
EDITORIAL: Pool price shortsighted

EDITORIAL: Pool price shortsighted

"Our St. Albert is not the kind of community to let the well-being of many of its residents sink so a select privileged few can swim."
LETTER: Fair warning

LETTER: Fair warning

"I’m going to be an organ donor; I’ve signed my card today"
LETTER: Residential street speed limit

LETTER: Residential street speed limit

"Also for us people using Bellerose Dr., the speed should be 60 as there are no residences on the street."
LETTER: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

LETTER: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

"I propose that we stop looking down our noses at each other, and accept the fact that we are all trying to get through this pandemic in our own way, while keeping the things that are most important to us safe."
LETTER: Surely, he jests!

LETTER: Surely, he jests!

"I conclude Mr. Murdock is simply aping the famous satirist Jonathan Swift, and his column is tongue-in-cheek commentary."
LETTER: I didn't hesitate

LETTER: I didn't hesitate

"I predicted that, as time went on, practise would make perfect. I have had my second shot and now can prove how right I was."
COLUMN: Getting started outside – early planting

COLUMN: Getting started outside – early planting

"Spring is when my love for gardening blossoms. While spring is a time of optimism, don’t forget summer is coming and you have to look after your garden. Don’t take on more than you can handle."
COLUMN: Are you asking enough questions?

COLUMN: Are you asking enough questions?

"Paul Harris the founder of the Rotary Club, established what Rotary refers to as the four-way test. The test asks four key questions: is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are incredibly insightful questions as we look back at the stimuli noted above."
COLUMN: Time to rethink the neoliberal model?

COLUMN: Time to rethink the neoliberal model?

"If we’ve had some successes during the pandemic, they’ve come from abandoning the neoliberal model and re-emphasizing the positive role collective actions can have in society."
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