Your pick: Who best represents citizens from St. Albert?
Last Sunday was a gorgeous brilliant blue-sky Alberta winter day and after viewing the map in the Gazette featuring the new 9 km freshly groomed cross country trails, I was donned my skiis and headed out. As I glided out from the trees onto the fresh tracks along the river, I encountered two women skiers who were new to the site. They stopped to ask basic questions about the site, the trails etc. and when I described the enormous work and time that goes into grooming our trails, they immediately wanted to make a donation to the STANSKI Nordic Ski Club.
So, feeling uplifted by such generous folks, I sailed on further along the river only to observe a change in the once evenly etched tracks, they now seemed to be obliterated by what looked like waffle treads. In no time the mystery became clear, riding towards me, travelling the middle of the groomed track were three grown men, decked out in their Mad Max attire, riding their fat bikes. Not one to mince my words, I stopped them, maybe flailed my poles, not sure, and perhaps in a loud voice, suggested that they have the entire frozen river to ride on and would they please (I may have said that, not sure!?) not destroy the hard work our groomers put in while the rest of us are sleeping. First two gents said nothing, the third had the gall to state, “It’s a free river!” Then all three proceed past me and resumed their cycling – right down the centre of the groomed cross country track! So in conclusion folks, just wondering, which of these two group fits the profile of decent citizens from St. Albert?
Sincerely, a huge fan of the STANSKI trail groomers!
Julian Di Castri, St. Albert