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The Canada goose – harbinger of fall

The Canada goose – harbinger of fall

There are two sure signs of fall in Alberta: the falling of the leaves and the flight of Canada geese. I always looked forward to October when I was in Ottawa because it would bring whole squadrons of migrating geese to the Rideau Canal.
Botox goes mainstream

Botox goes mainstream

Unless you examine their hands and the corners of their eyes, it’s difficult to judge the age of Shauna MacIver and Bhavlene Panesar. The two St. Albert doctors pride themselves on their youthful appearance.
Mobile devices catching on in classrooms

Mobile devices catching on in classrooms

There are few schools where students can pull out their iPhones, iPod Touches or iPads in class without potentially losing them for the rest of the day. Richard S. Fowler Junior High is one of those few schools.
New business turns mall basement into military training ground

New business turns mall basement into military training ground

The dim red light shines on the faces of the soldiers as the armoured personnel carrier rattles through the streets of the city. Suddenly gunfire starts up, the machine gun goes off on the roof, and grenades explode nearby.
When the ground shakes

When the ground shakes

It's not often you can actually see a house vibrating, but in Gerry Wowk's case the sight is hard to ignore.
Police seek help in home invasion

Police seek help in home invasion

St. Albert RCMP are looking for the public’s assistance to solve a violent home invasion that sent a North Ridge man to hospital earlier this month.
St. Albert working to change its reputation as business unfriendly

St. Albert working to change its reputation as business unfriendly

St. Albert is shedding its reputation as an unfriendly place to do business. That was the message conveyed by city manager Patrick Draper at the Big Issue Roundtable organized by the St. Albert and District Chamber of Commerce on Thursday.
Website takes aim at casual homophobia

Website takes aim at casual homophobia

A derogatory comment aimed at sexual and gender minorities is posted to social media site Twitter almost every second of every day. This is demonstrated on the newly launched website, www.nohomophobes.
Tankless water heaters: an empty promise?

Tankless water heaters: an empty promise?

When he moved into his new place a few years back, my brother Mike was pretty pumped about his tankless hot water heater. "The theory makes perfect sense," he says.
Local principal brings new perspective to teaching

Local principal brings new perspective to teaching

Leaning with one arm on his office chair, legs folded and looking out the window, Larry Dick might say he’s done a good job at being a principal. Might – because he still questions it.
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