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Indigenous Alberta

Pop-up memorial honouring the victims of a Kamloops residential school disappears

Pop-up memorial honouring the victims of a Kamloops residential school disappears

Barrhead resident and daughter and granddaughter of residential school survivors Tiara Yiu disheartened that someone would remove the memorial she started
Lac La Biche Mission site is part of residential school legacy

Lac La Biche Mission site is part of residential school legacy

Lac La Biche Mission plans to display residential school history
Indigenous duo nominated for 2021 Juno Award

Indigenous duo nominated for 2021 Juno Award

Lightning strikes twice for singer-songwriter Jason Burnstick.
Indigenous guardians vital to Canada’s conservation goals, environment minister says

Indigenous guardians vital to Canada’s conservation goals, environment minister says

The federal government invested a historic $4.1 billion in the last budget towards nature recovery across Canada
Albertans call for name changes of public sites that honour the architects of the Indian Residential School System

Albertans call for name changes of public sites that honour the architects of the Indian Residential School System

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has described the potential name changes to cancel-culture.
Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations dissolves historic protocol agreement with Alberta

Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations dissolves historic protocol agreement with Alberta

Last week the remains of 215 First Nation children were found in a mass grave at a former residential school in Kamloops, BC.
'Our people need healing': We Wai Kai elder on children's residential school grave site

'Our people need healing': We Wai Kai elder on children's residential school grave site

More than 130 government-funded, church-run residential schools were established to sever children from their families, and assimilate and shame them for their culture, language and spirituality. 
MPs across Canada on the remains of 215 children found at Kamloops residential school

MPs across Canada on the remains of 215 children found at Kamloops residential school

More than 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend church-run residential schools across Canada between the 1870s and 1996, when the last school closed.
Ceremonial four-day fire offers opportunity for stories and prayers at Blue Quills

Ceremonial four-day fire offers opportunity for stories and prayers at Blue Quills

"We are grieving. We know there are questions out there, but right now we need to grieve, to be there for and with one another, to share our stories, our songs, our prayers, our tears, our support. We will get to those questions, but for now we mourn."
Lubicon Lake Chief recants earlier support for Alberta K-6 curriculum

Lubicon Lake Chief recants earlier support for Alberta K-6 curriculum

In April, the Sovereign Nations of Treaty Eight wrote a letter to Premier Jason Kenney calling for the draft to be significantly revised, which Laboucan signed, citing the “deeply offensive” and “glaring absence” of First Nations people from the writing process.  
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