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Federal leaders argue over affordability plans as campaigns make pitch for votes

Federal leaders argue over affordability plans as campaigns make pitch for votes

The spending plans from each party could put more pressure on prices and interest rates, and they could hurt, rather than help, voters' pocketbooks, according to a Scotiabank analysis of platform commitments.
Alberta post-secondary schools cancel in-person classes as new COVID rules kick in

Alberta post-secondary schools cancel in-person classes as new COVID rules kick in

Online learning is set to continue.
Vaccine passports brought in as Alberta declares state of public-health emergency

Vaccine passports brought in as Alberta declares state of public-health emergency

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney apologizes as he ushers in restrictions, including limits to social gathering to curb the fourth wave.
Trudeau, O'Toole battle for trust as poll suggests Liberals, Tories tied in support

Trudeau, O'Toole battle for trust as poll suggests Liberals, Tories tied in support

If the trajectory of polls bear out on election day, the country could find itself again with a minority government with the NDP or Bloc Québécois potentially holding the balance of power.
Alberta's 'Open For Summer' plan was premature: chief medical officer of health

Alberta's 'Open For Summer' plan was premature: chief medical officer of health

"We're looking at a situation in which an entire cohort of health-care workers, doctors, nurses, anesthetists, and administrators are going to live with long-term consequences of having to make life or death decisions for a situation that was completely preventable," Dr. James Talbot, a former chief medical health officer for Alberta, said in an interview Tuesday.
Campaign signs vandalized in Banff-Airdrie as federal election vote nears

Campaign signs vandalized in Banff-Airdrie as federal election vote nears

The call of a snap federal election last month put candidates into campaign overdrive during a polarizing time in world politics, and the result has shown a high occurrence of campaign signs being vandalized in the Banff-Airdrie riding.
Trudeau says he did not want Wilson-Raybould to lie as SNC-Lavalin affair re-emerges

Trudeau says he did not want Wilson-Raybould to lie as SNC-Lavalin affair re-emerges

“I knew what he was really asking. What he was saying. In that moment, I knew he wanted me to lie — to attest that what had occurred had not occurred. ... Lie to protect a Crown government acting badly; a political party; a leader who was not taking responsibility,” said Jody Wilson-Raybould.
Leaders argue over how to pay for promises as voters head to advance polls

Leaders argue over how to pay for promises as voters head to advance polls

Elections Canada said early estimates show more than 1.3 million voters cast their ballot in-person on the first day of advance polls on Friday, which is more than what was recorded during the 2019 election.
Canada helped 145 Afghan refugees flee overland to Pakistan

Canada helped 145 Afghan refugees flee overland to Pakistan

The overland evacuees are in addition to the 3,700 Canadians, Afghan refugees, and other nationals who were airlifted by Canada out of Afghanistan before American troops completed a frenzied withdrawal from the country at the end of August.
Politicians issue warnings ahead of hospital protests expected across Canada

Politicians issue warnings ahead of hospital protests expected across Canada

Organizers said they want to take a stand against what they call "tyrannical measures and government overreach," adding that they are not encouraging nurses to walk out on their shifts or abandon patients. 
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