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Da Camera Singers explore Romantic period

The majestic voices of the Da Camera Singers close their 48th season with Josef Rheinberger’s monumental work Cantus Missae, a rare work that has only been performed twice in the last 11 years.

The majestic voices of the Da Camera Singers close their 48th season with Josef Rheinberger’s monumental work Cantus Missae, a rare work that has only been performed twice in the last 11 years.

The sacred text is a challenging piece that requires up to eight parts. “It’s a true Romantic work, very melodious with rich harmonies. It’s a very peaceful work that has this inner beauty,” says artistic director John Brough.

In fact the entire 90-minute concert, performed tonight at First Baptist Church in Edmonton, is a series of treasured gems from the Romantic period.

The 40-voice mixed choir will also sing Johannes Brahms Gypsy Songs. “The text is sung in German translated from Hungarian poetry. It’s about the life of travelling gypsies, wandering minstrels and much of the poetry is about love. Some are fast and exciting. Others are slower and more contemplative.”

Brough has also included some of the more expressive compositions from Felix Mendelssohn’s, Franz Schubert’s and Hugo Wolf’s repertoires that will be directed by guest conductor Jordan Van Biert.

St. Albert ambassadors are Carol Kube, Wendy Vanderwel and Rosemary Barns.

“This is going to be a lovely evening showcasing a fine array of composers.”


Cantus Missae
Da Camera Singers
Saturday, May 23 at 8 p.m.
First Baptist Church
10017 - 109 Street
Tickets: $15 to $20
Call Tix on the Square 780-420-1757

Anna Borowiecki

About the Author: Anna Borowiecki

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