The top three contributing factor to Canadian's lack of sleep is stress, insomnia and a bad sleeping environment.
Did you know, according to a recent study, that Canada is the third most sleep deprived country in the world? Averaging just four to six hours per night of sleep is leaving one third of Canadians lethargic, uninspired to exercise, clouded with brain fog and lacking the motivation and energy they need for parenting and work. Chronic sleep deprivation can even contribute to mental and mood disorders.
What’s keeping us up at night?
According to an Angus Reid Forum survey and research from Project Sleep, the top three contributing factors to Canadians’ lack of sleep is stress, insomnia and a bad sleeping environment. These factors are strongly linked: stress leads to insomnia. Insomnia leads to stress. A bad sleeping environment is stressful, which leads to insomnia, and so on.
Take one element out of that equation – a bad sleeping environment – and the cycle is broken. In addition to making sure you have dark window coverings, a tidy space and no screens in your bedroom, one of the most important things for your sleeping environment is your bed.
Your bed needs to support your frame to keep your body aligned, but must also have a soft top for comfort. Synthetic materials can leach toxins over time, so choose all natural fibres such as cotton, silk and wool. A breathable mattress is also a must to keep your body temperature regulated during the night, and to absorb and get rid of excess moisture.
Thankfully, good sleep is not just a dream. The Healthy Bedroom is passionate about providing you what you need for a restful sleep to improve your quality of life. Our Hästens, Hypnos and Sprout mattresses put your skin in contact with purely natural materials, are fully breathable, and they do not emit chemicals. Their natural fills are environmentally friendly, support your body’s alignment and most importantly – give you the sleep you need to maintain your health.
Affordable, natural mattresses and linens, pillows and more are waiting for you right now at 11620 – 178 Street (just outside St. Albert). Take a look at what you’ll experience in store by visiting We look forward to helping your dreams of a great night sleep come true.