BYLAW 14/2023
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the City of St. Albert, in the Province of Alberta, has on July
4, 2023 given first reading to Borrowing Bylaw 14/2023 which will, upon final passage and approval, authorize the proper officers of the City to borrow monies to authorize the financing of North St. Albert Trail – Phase 3.
The net amount authorized to be borrowed under Bylaw 14/2023 on the credit and security of
the municipality at large, is a sum not exceeding$20,500,000. The borrowing is to be repayable in combined principal and interest installments over a period not to exceed 20 Years calculated at a rate not exceeding the interest rate fixed on the date of the borrowing, and not to exceed Ten Percent (10%) per annum.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that, unless a petition of the electors for a vote on Borrowing Bylaw
14/2023 is presented, as provided for by Section 231 of the Municipal Government Act, the Council may pass the Borrowing Bylaw.
All persons interested are hereby notified and are required to govern themselves accordingly. Copies of the proposed bylaw may be found on the City of St. Albert website at the link to the July 4, 2023 Council Agenda or by emailing [email protected] to obtain a copy.
DATED at the City of St. Albert, in the Province of Alberta, this 4th day of July 2023.
1. Pursuant to Section 1(1)(i) of the Municipal Government Act, an “elector” is a person who is eligible to vote in an election for a councillor under the Local Authorities Election Act. Section 47(1) of Local Authorities Election Act defines an eligible person as a person who:
• is at least 18 years old,
• is a Canadian citizen, and
• resides in Alberta and the person’s place of residence is located in the local jurisdiction on election day.
2. A valid petition requires authenticated signatures of a number of electors constituting at least 10% of the population of St. Albert.
3. Pursuant to relevant provisions of both
the Municipal Government Act and City Council Policy – C-CAO-22 Borrowing Bylaw Advertising, in order to be valid a petition of the electors must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer of St. Albert not later than the close of business on September 8, 2023.
4. If a petition of electors is not received by September 8, 2023, the Council may proceed to pass second and third readings of Bylaw 14/2023 at any time thereafter, but not later than July 3, 2025.
5. Further requirements of a petition are provided in Sections 221 to 226 of the Municipal Government Act. https://www.
DATE of the last publication of this notice is August 24, 2023.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Should a petition of the electors for a vote on Borrowing Bylaw 14/2023 be received, despite the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the names and addresses of signatories to that petition will be handled in accordance with Section 226.2 of the Municipal Government Act.
and August 24, 2023