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LETTER: I wear a mask for other people, not myself

"Many seniors in St. Albert are literally taking their lives in their own hands by venturing out. One of those seniors is my mom. I wear that mask for her, and every other person at risk in these unprecedented times."

In response to Mary Harland's letter ("Not everyone should be wearing a mask," July 8 Gazette), when I see someone who doesn't wear a mask in public, I wonder why they're so entitled and selfish that they can't think of others. I wear a mask when I go out, it's a minor inconvenience, but I was raised to be selfless and think of others.

Many seniors in St. Albert are literally taking their lives in their own hands by venturing out. One of those seniors is my mom. I wear that mask for her, and every other person at risk in these unprecedented times.

Is that mask such a personal hardship? No. It's not. I wear that mask for other people, not myself, because I am educated enough to believe in medical science. In countries where they wore masks, the case numbers are very low.

But people like Mary, care only for themselves, it's really not so surprising in these instant gratification times. Me, me, me. COVID-19 has been very cruel to the Senior population; that generation which actually were raised to be thankful for all they have, and human enough to think of others.

I received news recently that a neighbor at the lake succumbed to COVID-19,  which he contracted at the Misericordia. It must be nice for people like Mary to be so detached and unaffected. Until she is – and then it'll be everyone else's fault. Don't be a Mary. Wear your mask.

W.J. Tomash,
St. Albert

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