There are lots of easy ways to clean that work like magic and make life easier. Here are some tips to save time from GoCleanCo, a Calgary-based cleaning company with a big Instagram following. Why are they so popular? Because these hacks work!
Don’t worry, it is possible to follow their tips without using harmful chemicals, or anything hard to find. The best part is, everything you need, you already have!
In the Bathroom
A clean bathroom can be very satisfying, but a dirty bathroom is just the opposite. Once this room is clean, there is motivation to clean the rest of the house, and also this room is where tons of bacteria thrive. Once it’s gone, you’ll feel better already.
Vacuum brush the whole of the bathroom, under and around the sinks and tub and outside of the toilet first to get rid of hair. Next, dust all the other bits of lint and debris before starting to clean with soap and water. Wet dust becomes mud and is very much harder to manage, so do the dry dusting first.

When you do start with the soap and water, GoCleanCo recommends using powdered Tide laundry soap. It has the suds to release the dirt, enzymes and to break down stains and a gritty textures for scrubbing. It’s great for getting rid of soap scum and other grime. Make your own cleaner with hot water and a spoonful of Tide.
The Tide mixture also disinfects the toilet, and it can be used to get the soap scum, grout and other gunk from the from the showers, faucets and tub. If you don’t want to use the bleach on your bathroom surfaces, leave it out as this hack works quickly and efficiently.
In the Kitchen
Again, get started by vacuuming or dry dusting everything before it gets wet. That is the oven, the, the fridge, under the sink, in the drawers, behind appliances and in the corners. The water and Tide mix does well in most of these places too, but GoCleanCo also suggests vinegar and Dawn soap. There are also a lot of great tips for all of the kitchen here.
Clean the Fridge
Empty the fridge and toss anything that is expired, moldy or slimy. Now that the fridge is empty, wipe the shelves and drawers, wipe down the bottles and jars before putting them back in. Things will stay cleaner and more organized. More tips on a clean fridge are here.
For more tips, follow GoCleanGo on Instagram or learn more from their blog, which is called:
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