This weekend has most of us enjoying another Canadian Thanksgiving, and my best wishes go out to all of you for a holiday filled with family and friends, good food, good memories and a thankful prayer to whatever God you worship (if any). For me, giving thanks also includes giving an “advance thanks” for the hopeful defeat of the Trudeau government in Ottawa.
Since Justin Trudeau took office, I’ve been waiting for him to talk about the issues that Canadians care about. These issues include reducing unemployment, reducing homelessness, solving our educational and health care woes, balancing the federal budget, protecting the environment, solving countless Indigenous issues, dealing with crime and the opioid crisis, international trade, and many other key concerns.
However, in the last four years, I’ve never heard him talk about any of these issues. I think it’s necessary to repeat this statement: I’ve never heard him talk about the concerns Canadians have. Instead, I’ve heard countless volumes of verbal diarrhea about gender identification, countless nasty remarks about Western Canada, continual whining about borders and stupid promises to open the borders to everyone who wants to come to Canada, regardless of how many billions we are talking about. When he was not busy obstructing justice and interfering in the trial of SNC Lavalin, he was touring the world dressed like some circus clown on steroids. While Canadians may not have been paying attention to Trudeau, foreigners have, and in a recent conversation with an international financier, I was told, “If you are going to raise money, Brian, you’ll have to do it all in Canada, as foreign investors right now will not touch Canada due to your Prime Minister.”
Justin Trudeau has shown no knowledge of what it takes to lead a country. His most preposterous claim was that “budgets balance themselves,” a fact that budgets apparently don’t understand, since they haven’t been balanced during Trudeau’s term in office. If this fool somehow manages to fool Canadians, again, and win the federal election, then it’s time for Alberta to begin serious discussions about separation. I personally doubt that Canada can survive another four years of his incompetent leadership without Canada joining the ranks of other “third world countries.” While I didn’t particularly care for Pierre Trudeau, it was clear that he had a strong vision for Canada and was a highly intelligent individual. No such claim could ever be made about his son, who has spent the majority of his life accomplishing absolutely nothing.
I can only hope that after listening to “Justin” for the last four years, we will finally be able to say “Just Out” on election night. If not, pray for Canada, as our beloved country will need every prayer it can get.
Brian McLeod is a St. Albert resident.