Bedding plant season is now closed at Deb’s Greenhouse just outside Morinville. But that doesn’t mean the action has stopped.
Owner Deb Foisey is gearing up to host the 2nd annual New Blooms, a four-day trial show dedicated to introducing and showcasing dozens of plant varieties from multiple breeders.
What separates this floral show from others is that all the bedding plants are brand new. They are not yet sold on the market and will not be released commercially until next year.
“It’s really interesting to have this type of event in western Canada. The only other trial show is in Ontario. It’s a very high calibre show. It doesn’t happen every day. It’s the only one in Western Canada where you can purchase plants before their release date,” said Foisey.
She explains that breeders are eager to see how their plants grow in Zone 3 conditions.
“It’s a true test to see how plants perform. Our zone is different to what you can grow in California or Ohio.”
The four-day event, running Thursday, July 18 to Sunday, July 21, is open to breeders, growers and the public.
Thursday is a conference reserved strictly for breeders and growers for discussions, presentations and a showcase of new plants. Attendees have the opportunity to network with industry peers with lunch included. The event is free. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 780-939-9690 or checking online at
Friday is booked for private groups such as corporations, municipalities and garden clubs touring the facility.
Doors open to the public on Saturday and Sunday where visitors are able to view and pre-purchase what the 2020 commercial market will feature.
Michiel Verheul of High Q Greenhouses has grown all the flowers, vegetables and bedding plants on display. High Q is a 60,000-sq.-ft. Sturgeon County commercial enterprise that grows plants for municipalities, cities, parks and golf courses across Western Canada.
“I’ve been chosen to host but I’m not large enough to grow the entire capacity,” said Foisey. “Michiel has provided the space, labour and the time.”
Foisey has operated her greenhouse for a decade and this is her second season helming New Blooms. With a better handle on things, there is a more accessible and carefully curated selection of plants.
The curiosity factor no doubt will attract some folks and some visitors will return from last year’s success.
“There’s no charge and this is an extension to next year’s spring season.”
Deb’s Greenhouse is at 25505 Secondary Highway 642.
“Just go north on Hwy. 2 to the Morinville Overpass. Take a left at the overpass and go west for about two kilometres.”